rock pool. spring well. elven pond. the skeletons of leaves float last years memories. the sunlight mirrors twist their reflection. water like an unstrung bow curves the flood to meet me. the seals in the ocean signal the mountains to loose their water. return to salt.
the velvet almanac entry 31
today we are looking back at some amazing water soaked poetry from previous chapters of the winged moon.
In the late afternoon the water is
openly alive, half pond full
forest, the fish silver clouds shadow
the lily pads. Taut stand the hills
and green, their penumbra
thick as molasses. The water lilies
swim as
slivers of moon and I say
to you: look at the silver fish they swim
as though they are the pond.
water lilies sanjana krishnan
the winged moon 'nature as a muse' chapter
Dawn breaks the spell of a thousand winters
and it is said that the river remembers
the bedrock of collision
the murmuration of birds above crumpled folds
the waking of it all.
Here is the edge of the everlasting world, a view,
and the warm trickling mist of morning sticks like breath
lips that reach for the river.
O precious life,
the smell of wet stone and hands of lichen silk
grounding cedar scent, here is our home
and under our tread a prayer
dawn moving like a promise
euphonious wings of silence
Precious life pray to the emerging water
that each drop is the mountain
that its summit is a temple
that nothing is nearer
to the gate.
[Sangaku Shinko] Agrene Bouwman
the winged moon 'nature as a muse' chapter
“Hm! Call us not weeds— We are flowers of the sea.” -A.B. Hervey The tide gives, and takes and in first light the rock pools squint with cockles and clams. I walk the tideline, gather sea lettuce from bright green beds, slippery fronds of bladderwrack bind the rocks, Irish sea moss slides past my knuckles like brown corduroy. I tally the wind, clip harvest above the holdfast, but what does the tide think of me, washing and arranging collecting scrap to press between the lips like flowers in the pages of a book. seaweed Damon Hubbs the winged moon 'portrait' chapter
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Today with the clouds and rain so lively present… this waterpool comes to live within. I feel myself a grey cloud, swimming like a fish in the sky… love all these poems. Getting the water poored over me while sitting in my chair. 💙🩵💙
Love This.